Our Practice:

Dr. Peter is a qualified GP with MBBS from the Adelaide Medical School and Fellowship of Royal Australian College of General Practitioner (FRACGP) and has been practising since 1995 and has gained his experience by working in the public health system in various medical fields, including Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Sexual Health, Emergency Medicine and Occupational Medicine. In the field of Occupational Medicine Dr Vu is qualified as Designate Australian Medical Examiner, NSW Order 43 Coal Service practitioner, Queensland coal board medical practitioner, approved Health Professional for rail industry and Review Medical Officer for Drug & Alcohol.

Dr Vu has an interest in proactive medicine with a view to prevention and early detection of disease, including regular reviews to ensure effective treatment outcomes for the patients. Dr Vu is able to consult in both English and Vietnamese.


Springvale Family Healthcare operates by appointment. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time and GP.

Emergencies will always be given priority.

Please request a longer consultation times if you wish to discuss more than one issue, a full check-up, insurance medical, filling medical forms. We endeavour to run on time but emergencies occasionally make this unavoidable. We are sorry if at times you are kept waiting. Some appointments take longer than anticipated. Sometime, it may be you. Our reception staff will inform you of any delays or your GP has been called away.

Emergency Problems

Emergency problems can be arranged to be seen urgently.

Telephone Access

Our Doctors will only accept telephone calls in the event of a medical emergency. For non-urgent enquiries, you may leave a message with reception and your Doctor will return your call when available. All advises are best given at the time of consultation. At this stage we do not have provision for phone consultations. Please book appointments with our reception staff.

Getting the Results of Any Test or Procedure

Please ensure you call the surgery to follow up your test results. But results will not be given over the phone or via fax. For urgent results of any test or procedure our staff will contact you.

Practice Policy on Confidentiality and Use of Your Personal Health Information

It is our practice policy to maintain confidentiality of your personal health information at all time and ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. Your medical record is a confidential document. We abide by the ten National Privacy Principles available at

Help Us To Help You

Cultural Background

Your cultural background may increase your risk to certain illness. Our practice would like to record your cultural background to enable us to offer you the best health care. This information can be provided to reception or be requested on our New Patient Registration form.

Emergency Contact

Please make sure the practice has your emergency contact person recorded. Should the need arise, this will enable us to contact them on your behalf.

No Smoking Policy

This practice is a Non Smoking area.

Quality Service

The “10 tips for safer health care” information booklet is available from reception. Our practice is committed to quality improvement and is working toward accreditation with AGPAL.

Your Rights and Feedback

We strive to provide our patients with the best possible health care. If you have an opinion or a problem we would like to hear about it. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or the receptionist. You may prefer to write to us or use our suggestion box. We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. We hope to solve problems to improve our service.

Health Services Commissioner Complaints and Information

Level 30, 570 Bourke Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000
Tel: 1300 582 113