Springvale Family Healthcare is committed to providing comprehensive, high-quality healthcare to clients of all ages in Springvale and the surrounding regions.
Our team of highly experienced and qualified doctors and nurses offers the highest standards of general medical care.
We are open 6 days a week.
Book your appointment today!
With or Without an appointment until 5pm, application to: | Bulk Billed* |
With or Without an appointment until 5pm, application to: | Bulk Billed* |
With or Without an appointment until 5pm, application to: | Bulk Billed* |
IMPORTANT NOTE: Private billing will be applied for all appointments
after hours or outside these hours for weekdays and weekends.
Clinic Hours
9:00am – 5:00pm
Lunch Break: 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Pathology Hours
9:00am – 1:00pm
Audiology Hours
Wednesday & Friday
9:00am – 5:00pm
By Appointment only, no walk-ins.
Closes on Sunday, Lunar New Year & Public holidays
Fees and Billing Arrangements
Our doctors at this practice bulk bill Medicare holders, Pensioners, Veterans and Health Care Card holders.
Mixed Billing apply if you require medical attention after our normal operating hours.
Mon-Fri 5PM-6PM & Saturday (After-Hours) 2PM-5PM mixed billing.
Fees are payable at the time of consultation for private patients. Fees are based on the length of consultation. Additional costs may be incurred for specific tests, procedures and other treatments. If you have any difficulty in paying our fees, please discuss it with us.
Springvale Family Healthcare operates
9:00am – 5:00pm but we provide 24 hour care to our patients through an accredited Melbourne Medical Locum Service (MMDS) for after hour service. If you require medical attention after hours please call (03) 9429 5677. This service is not bulk billed.
Appointments should be made for all repeat prescriptions for review and management of your medical condition. If you require medications before making an appropriate appointment, a $25.00 fee will be apply for all scripts provided outside a consultation. Please allow 48 hours notice to collect.
Requests for ongoing referrals for specialists and other allied health providers are available without scheduling an appointment provided our doctors have previously issued a referral to the same provider for the same condition and the request is within an appropriate timeframe. This service attracts a $25.00 fee.