Clinic Hours

9:00am - 5:00pm
Lunch Break: 1:00PM – 2:00PM

Pathology Hours

9:00am - 1:00pm

Audiology Hours

Wednesday & Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm

Closes on Sunday, Lunar New Year & Public holidays


Australian Hearing is the nation’s leading hearing specialist and the largest provider of government funded hearing services. We are extremely proud of the fact that we have just celebrated 70 years of hearing service to Australia.

At Australian Hearing you can:

  • Get a free five minute hearing check to screen for any problems.
  • Have an in depth hearing assessment to get the full picture about your hearing.
  • Get advice on hearing aids and other options if you need some assistance with your hearing.
  • Have hearing aids fitted if required.
  • Receive rehabilitation services and ongoing care and device repairs.
  • Obtain other assistive devices such as amplified telephones, alarm clocks, television headsets and smoke alarms for people with hearing difficulties.

Call Australian Hearing for appointment!
CALL NOW: 03 8710 4000


Melbourne Pathology is a renowned medical centre offering reliable pathology services.

It is committed to reaching excellent diagnostic results in the available time by analysing, identifying and understanding your particular disease before talking to your doctor.

  • We deliver your results within the required time.
  • We provide specialist testing in a range of disciplines for other pathology services.
  • Our professionals deliver comprehensive care to ensure the needs and concerns of each individual are treated with respect and compassion.
  • The expertise to identify which problems you may or may not have.

This is on a Walk-in Basis



With full registration to the Psychology Board of Australia and an Approved Medicare Provider, our Psychologist has worked with children, adolescence, adults, and families for years in Australia and the United States.

  • Helping adults and children with depression and various anxiety disorders, including social anxiety.
  • Conducting psychological and cognitive assessments, and completing clinical assessment reports.
  • Helping adults, children and adolescents with poor self-image, low confidence and reduced self-esteem.

Book your appointment today!


Coming to Physiotherapy at Springvale Family Health Care, you will experience a pleasant difference of a new way to deal with your physical problems, a way in which you have greater control to change the outcome of your health issues.

Book your appointment today!

Other Services Provided

  • Check ups
  • ECG
  • Nutritional advice
  • Heart Check
  • Pap smear
  • Stitching cuts
  • Pregnancy tests
  • Family Planning
  • Vaccination – children and adults
  • Minor surgery – including removal of moles and sunspots
  • Treating bone fractures with plaster / fibreglass casts
  • Skin checks, Liquid nitrogen freezing therapy for sun spots, warts
  • Home and Nursing Home Visits
  • Industrial medical advice and consultation

Please note – Our surgery also provides blood tests at your convenient time and ultrasound therapy for soft tissue injury


In Springvale Family Health Care, we provide translation and interpreter service (TIS). Please advise us if a translating and interpreter service (TIS) is required for your appointment.

Home Visits

Home visits are available for regular patients of this practice whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery. Home visits are only conducted within a 2km radius. This service is bulk billed for Medicare holders only and incurs a higher fee for private patients.

Reminder and Recall System

Our doctors believe a proactive, preventative approach to healthcare is important. Your doctor will seek your permission to be included on our reminder and recall system. We may send you a reminder or recall notice as well as to offer you preventative health services appropriate to your care in using the supportive program POLARs. If you do not wish to be part of this system please let your doctor or receptionists know.


Our practice is committed to quality improvement and is working toward accreditation with AGPAL.